mickey has finally released their much anticipated debut lp on hozac records..... catchy glam punk in the vein of new york dolls, but with plenty of dead boys snarl and 60s garage backbeat.....
their "rock n roll dreamer" lp already sounds like a classic to me......an album you'll wanna blast out yr apartment windows on these hot summer days ahead.......after all this is nasty sweaty rock n roll..........
listen to the title track from the lp below......and check out their LP RELEASE PARTY THURSDAY 6/30 @ DOUBLE DOOR.....only five dollars..........
and ps the hozac lp is limited to 700 copies so dont wait around to long, or yr miss out.......
all the garage punk kids are going to party at the cobra lounge for the three nights pitchfork is going on one block south, maybe this is the chicago scene's answer to the much hyped fest...... well a fest we all love but seems to have gotten a little too big for our tastes......
loose dudes are/were stalwarts of the art damaged beer soaked house show punk circuit in chicago........ 80s thrash punk put through a blender with lots of whiskey, sweat and a healthy dose of noise rock........ dont worry about all their influences, its noise punk through and through, loud fast and riotous..............
go see them tonight for their last show ever........ it will be mayhem............ and its free..... and at the empty bottle of course.....
As the CHICAGO READER said......No, Loose Dudes aren't reinventing the wheel, but they're refreshing, exhilarating, and frequently hilarious—there's nothing like a Four Loko'd skateboard thwack to the solar plexus to make self-consciously "innovative" artistes seem irrelevant. You could easily fool your less-informed friends into thinking the band's five-song EP Nothing to Live For (Hated) is vintage Orange County punk rock straight from the early years of the Reagan administration, but the feeling that you've been here before isn't the important part—like the hardcore warriors in Off!, Loose Dudes give you a powerful sense of directness and immediacy, clearing the air of pretentious, middling mediocrity. Live, lead vocalist Nick Rouley carries himself with the gravitas of a big lug who's tipsy enough at 3:30 AM to do some karaoke, and the band delivers reliable bursts of cacophony built from three to four barre chords apiece—a sound that has pretty much owned the Chicago house-party circuit for the past couple years. As Gossip Wolf pointed out last month, this will be Loose Dudes' last show; what they're telling the press is that guitarist Maggie Iwanicki is going to medical school, but I prefer to believe that they just want more time to shotgun Cool Ranch Doritos and study the director's cut of Thrashin'
and the show is opened by RUNNING, favorite local noisemakers here at tiny grooves. this is not to be missed.........
here's all the drunk documentation that tiny grooves could find around the interwebs, but it might just say it all anyway........
i've been excited about the new gg king lp, esoteric lore, for sometime now. apparently it's still on order for me at permanent records, but it just never came in.
and try to go buy it somewhere........ i swear its worth the search.....one of the best lps of the year so far......
if you don't know anything about gg king, trust me you want this lp. killed by death influenced fuzzed out garage punk by former members of the carbonas......, atlanta's lesser known short lived chaotic punkers......being from the same town, i think the black lips should bring gg king on tour...........
The first full-length offering from former Carbonas frontman GG King embraces a fractured, avant-punk sound that reflects the mania of Los Angeles circa '79, with a twist of uneven lo-fi pop and pseudo hardcore tendencies.Esoteric Loreswims in dreariness, coupled with irresistible hooks that fly in the face of punk rock with underwater drumming, warped tapes, and field recordings made on a dark and stormy night. With King left to his own devices and playing most of the instruments on the record, songs such as "Want," "Acid" and "Bored of Breathing" take on a greater sense of imagination and looseness than Carbonas would have ever allowed. "Planet of Sociopaths" sounds like a chorus of demons singing along to a warped sound that lies at the crossroads of horror-punk, noise, three broken chords and Ritalin psychosis. For King, it's a dark, compulsive chapter that hinges on distinct songwriting and the noise and knowledge of his past.
puerto rican day weekend in chicago was wild, and the best soundtrack to the chaos or any late night party is LOS VIGALANTES' new s/t lp out on slovenly records........
latin garage rock that's catchy and makes you wanna get down....
....along with davila 666, we might be on the verge of a puerto rican invasion... which would be just fine with me......... both bands are fuckin' great.......do yerself a favor and pick up both lps by davila 666 and los vigilantes that came out this year........
click here to download two tracks of the s/t debut lp by LOS VIGILANTES.........
"It is with mucho gusto that Slovenly Recordings presents this debut long playing 12” bruiser by LOS VIGILANTES, fromSan Juan, Puerto Rico! Following up their incredible “Mi Mami Dijo” 45 (Slovenly, tambien!), and an appearance on NORTON RECORDS’ “Their Hispanic Majesties Request” double 7” compilation, Los Vigilantes tear it up with 14 original tracks of juvenile delinquent garage-punk smashers! Heavy on the 60s side with a healthy dose of droopy 50s doo-wop back-up vocals, every song here kills with melodious culo shaking anthems lead by a super-tough vox, todo en Espanol. The band is fully swinging and brash with organs, human whistles, and backwards tape loops (”Eres Tu” cleverly sounding like a chant of “LSD!”) creeping in and out, bringing a stunning sunshine switchblade meltdown ofKing Khan & BBQ Showmeeting obscuro early 80s Spanish punk cretinsSiniestro Total. As part of a close-knitPuerto Ricanpunk/ garage scene, Vigilante Jorge Mundo (aka Jota) filled in forDavila666’s lead guitarist on their maiden European voyage, and played lead guitar on their latest LP “Tan Bajo” (IN THE RED). Make sure and dig the video for this album’s killer lead-off track “Ven Vamos,” which was directed by PR videographers Puro Vicio. This LP is gonna be THEE cerveza guzzling party platter of the summer. Pa gozar, PUNK!"
and here's what REVOLVER had to say about their self titled lp..... The debut full-length bruiser from San Juan, Puerto Rico’s LOS VIGILANTES. Fourteen original tracks of juvenile delinquent garage-punk smash. Heavy on the ‘60s side with a healthy dose of droopy /50s doo-wop back-up vocals, rocked with additional organs, tape loops and swagger. Vigilante JORGE MUNDO (aka JOTA) filled in for DAVILA 666’s lead guitarist on ther maiden European tour and played lead guitar on Davila 666’s Tan Bajo LP (In The Red).
watch the video for the single "ven vamos" below....
hanni el khatib is bluesy old school rock n roll influenced garage pop......
for fans of ty segall, the white stripes and the black keys....... catchy and fun.....and it's music you can dance around to.........
and the hipster kids need some rock n roll to go crazy to.......
playing the empty bottle tonight with like minded garage pop kids, bass drums of death, HANNI EL KHATIB is not to be missed. especially for a three dollar cover....... show at 7pm, see you there........
and just saying, i could go to the empty bottle pretty much every night.......(even if i still feel hungover from the terrible twos/birthday suits shindig last night).........
vice magazine/records has just launched a new music documentary site, NOISEY.COM.
.......featuring indie music acts from around the globe, including a hefty share of garage / punk bands that tiny grooves loves.......
so check out one of the first installments of the video series on chicago's own, MANNEQUIN MEN......
and check them out live----- july 2nd @mortville (warehouse show madness at 21st and kedzie) with close hits
and july 16th @ cobra lounge with the hollows and e+
AHLEUCHATISTAS are post math rock / noise / free jazzed prog.
think lightning bolt and don caballero, but more avant jazz, like john zorn.
ahleuchatistas have their king crimson, captain beefheart and ornette coleman lps close at hand... and you can hear all sorts of classic experimental music rushing through the mix....
they play something beyond yer average noise rock, something hypnotic like listening to coltrane's "interstellar space" for days on end..... twists and turns and weird sonic tricks that you don't expect around the corner......
detroit's TERRIBLE TWOS are one of those bands that just slip under the radar, and undeservedly so. their mix of snotty synth garage punk holds its own with human eye, tyvek and the lost sounds..... but yet they haven't a hip label, a good pitchfork review or the support of any corporate sponsorship like scion.
the TERRIBLE TWOS just play manic loud fast rock n roll and could give a fuck if everyone loves them. they keep at it cause its a chaotic drunken time, which you'd know if you ever see them live. i liken them to what it might've been like to see the stooges when they first got together.....
so click here to download their self titled lp...... and make sure you see them at the empty bottle this saturday june 18th with birthday suits, radar eyes and football....... (which by the way is one of the best upcoming shows in chicago......)
you might not know the name paul metzger, but fans of experimental music sure should.
he plays on the banjo what might be classified as psychedelic post-folk drone.....
metzger's music shares more affinity with free jazz than the bluegrass you usually hear out of the banjo. so maybe that's why its so entrancing and interesting.
or it could just be that no one else is creating anything like this on the banjo, or on any instrument for that matter.....
tiny grooves suggests that you check his various albums out, all good, if yr in the mood for something far out.....
and take note if you live in chicago,......paul metzger is playing a free in-store performance at permanent records on monday june 20th at 5pm.....
don't miss out. not all interesting experimental music is made with a guitar........
the cynics play garage rock like it's always been meant to be played. loud, wild and super catchy......
pittsburgh is so lucky to have a band like this that churns out classic album year after year.......
if you don't know the cynics, do yrself a favor and check them out.....
they've been around for quite some time with little fanfare and i just don't know why. along with the likes of the fleshtones and reigning sound, the cynics keep the garage rock revival going......
oneida releases another lp on psychdelic noise jams, absolute II..... the last installment in a trio of concept albums, along with preteen weaponry and rated O....
i've always loved oneida and the new lp retains my affection. not for everyone, but for the more adventurous listeners, it'll be in heavy rotation....
dark skronky noisy psych rock from new yorkers who might know how to do it best. tied with puffy areolas for most intense, loud and riotous set of BLACKOUT FEST....... the K-HOLES don't play many shows so catch them live if you can......
and buy their LP out on HOZÃ…C, one of my fav lps of the year........
RUNNING are noisy art damaged trash punk......from chicago. think pink & brown, DNA and the flying luttenbachers..... with a couple of self released cassettes and a very limited lp from permanent records, not many kids outside of chicago know about RUNNING, but everyone absolutely should......
watch out for a new lp on captcha records later this year......
check out some live footage below......
(....a video of the making of their screen printed album art....featuring a track from the RUNNING LP on permanent records......)
and check BIRTHDAY SUITS out at the empty bottle in chicago on saturday june 18th with football, terrible twos and radar eyes....... (free with rsvp@emptybottle.com) so why the fuck not?