Sunday, March 15, 2009

gentlemen jesse and his men

the black lips show lived up to its chaotic hype.  an auditorium packed with close to 800 people going bonkers for their sloppy garage rock sounds, dancing and crowd surfing as if the black lips had cast a spell over the event.

but their tour mates may have upstaged them.  gentlemen jesse and his men, fellow atantla rockers, played a clean fast power pop set that had you singing along to the lyrics by the second verse of every song regardless of hearing them for the first time.  the band, a side project now mainstay for one of the members of atlanta's carbonas, should be the next big thing.  taking off where the exploding hearts were headed after their sadly cut short career, gentlemen jesse is super bouncy catchy 60s power garage rock that makes you want to forget that the world is more than drinking girls and partying.  they play much tighter than the black lips and carry through with much of the same energy.  where the black lips head off into psych rock, gentlemen jesse puts on the cheap trick.

look out for gentlemen jesse in the future.  they are worth the cover.  

and yes i decided the black lips can live up to the hype, which is difficult to do.  the lips just might save america's youth from their screamo tendencies and that would make the world a better place for sure.

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